#bruce can be swayed very very easily and he has very little shame about it
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monkesupreme · 3 months ago
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very pickuppable yes yes
its very easy to demand attention when u can physically remove ur object of affection away from their work. whos going to stop you from being a spoiledt brat?
bonus: being bossy has its perks
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animemangasoul · 5 years ago
5 Times the Batsiblings Realize They Don’t Need Bruce & the One Time He Realizes it Himself
Summery: Tim accidentally kills someone and Bruce finds out
Chapters: 1/6
“It was an accident Bruce.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Of course it matters!” Dick can’t believe this is happening. After all their precautions. After all their effort.... Everything was unraveling right in front of his eyes and he couldn’t control it. He couldn’t stop it. They should have known. He should have known.
Nothing stays hidden for long. Not under Batman’s nose. Not forever. No matter how much they wished and planned and tried.
“I taught you better than this.” Bruce takes a step forward. “Murder is murder Dick.”
Lips pulling into a frown, Dick stands a little taller, chin lifting a little higher, eyes narrowing a little further. “You taught me to be good,” He says, it comes out more like a hiss. “I’m trying to be good here. You’re not taking Tim away. I won’t let you.” Each word he speaks is punctuated by a sense of urgency, by a promise, by swirling emotions Dick can’t quite control. “Tim stays.”
If Bruce looked anymore disappointed in him, Dick might have honestly keeled over from the sheer shame the expression invokes within him. Because.... God….. Bruce was disappointed.  
Dick knew that look all too well.
Had been on the receiving end of it for far too many years, for far too long, but never.... never had it ever been so severe, so serious.
This time, Bruce wasn’t disappointed with his performance, wasn’t disappointed with his recklessness, wasn’t disappointed with his inability to take care of the kids or get along with Jason.... No---
This time Bruce was disappointed that Dick was unwilling to carry out Batman’s justice on his little brother.
God, he felt sick.
“It has to be done.”
Dick shook his head, face pale and fingers shaking just the slightest bit. “No.”
And there, anger.  
Eyes narrow and fists clenched Bruce took a step towards him. Dick stood his ground.  
In the future he might play up this moment. Say that he knew he was doing the right thing and that confidence had allowed him not to flinch in the face of Batman, but that wouldn’t be true. Not really.
Dick didn’t move because he was frozen in place. Afraid to take a single step backwards for fear of his father’s wrath descending on him, or even worst.... for Bruce to step past him and go after Tim.
Tim... his baby brother. His friend, the kid he’d watch grow up. The kid who’d been so so quiet as Jason washed his hands and Dick tried desperately to figure out a way to hide the.... to hide the body.
Tim who came crawling into his bed in the middle of the night, silent tears trailing down his cheeks as he let him hug him for the first time in months. Tim who’d asked him if he was a monster.
No.... Dick wouldn’t move.
“Move son.”
Dick was scared, he was worried. He wasn’t facing his father right now. No matter what Bruce was trying to convince him off, this wasn’t his dad he was protecting Tim from. This was Batman. Batman who somehow managed to forgive Jason and Damian for murder but believed that Tim deserved Arkham for the same crime.
‘Don’t lie to yourself,’ his thoughts whispered as he folded his arms and tried to stare Batman down. ‘Jason didn’t get out of it scot-free either. Remember?’
And God, he remembered. The pain, the abuse, the damage..... No. That couldn’t happen again.... not when Tim hadn’t even.... it had been an accident!
He flinches. “No.”
“Tim can speak for himself Dick. He can answer for his own crimes.”
“Tim is in no shape to speak for himself,” Dick snaps. “He’s terrified B! Of you. Can’t you see that?” Waving an arm behind him, Dick is careful not to let his father out of his sight. “None of your--- I didn’t want you to find out for this very reason! Tim doesn’t deserve to be judged by a mistake. Just....” Fuck. Blinking furiously he tries to stave off the wetness threatening to spill past his cheeks. He hates how easily his frustration turns into tears. “Please just stop and think B. Please.”
It sounds pathetic.... it sounds childish.... he sounds desperate----
And still---- Bruce shakes his head, disappointment oozing from his frame. “We uphold the law Dick. Justice means that we all fall under the same sword. You trying to protect Tim while well intentioned shows how little it takes for you to be swayed by bias. Now move.”
Bias? Justice?
Was.... was B serious?
What the fucking hell!
“Are you seri--
“Don’t you think this is hard for me too?
Dick’s eyes widened. “What?” Did... was Bruce--
Running a hand through his frazzled hair, Bruce closes his eyes and sighs. There is a pinch between his brows that speaks of pain and worry and---- Dick couldn’t believe this. God, this was messed up.
“I care about him too. And this is hurting me just as much as it hurts you Dick. But we have to do this.”
A sigh of annoyance. “Love cannot rule our senses son.”
Bruce looks hurt, sad.... devastated and—Maybe that made this all so much worse.
“You can’t be serious?” Dick wants to cry. Wants to curl up into a tight ball and cry his eyes out.  
What was wrong with his dad? How could Bruce justify sending Tim to Arkham. How could he claim to love him and in the same breath condemn him? How did any of this make any fucking sense in that head of his?
Did he not have compassion? Did he not understand.... had he even tried to understand?
“This is wrong Dick.” The words are said gently, kindly and Bruce reaches out, arm hoovering as if he plans to comfort him.
Dick slaps it away. The tears he’d been fighting all night pooling down his chin.
“This isn’t wrong!” he shouts; chest heaving. “This is family!”
He hadn’t wanted to cry. He hadn’t wanted to shout. He hadn’t wanted to believe Jason when he’d said Bruce couldn’t be reasoned with. Dick hadn’t wanted a lot of things.
But here he was, faced with it all.
“Dick, I came to you because I know you’re reasonable.”
Reasonable? Reasonable?
He doesn’t even fully comprehend his next action until his eyes meet Bruce and his mind finally registers the slight widening of his eyes. Because---
Dick’s arms are up, his legs pushed apart, his chest lowered and head tilted. A fighting stance. His fighting stance.
Shaking his head, Dick ignores every inch of him that tries and fails to understand how their fucked-up family had come to this point. “You’ll have to beat me if you want to get to Tim.” Shifting slightly on his feet, he glares. “And I won’t make it easy on you. You’ll have to Jason this one.”
He knows it’s a low blow.
Bruce flinches as if struck.
It is a low blow.
Dick takes an almost savage pleasure from it, because..... He still holds it against him. It’s been years, they’ve all somehow managed to patch up the gaping hole in their fucked-up family, but.... there were certain moments Dick still had a hard time digesting, and--- B beating Jason down was still one of them. Still something; no matter how he tried, that he could never ever forgive.
“Go on,” he mutters. “I know you’re good at it.”
It’s as if time stands still. Bruce doesn’t move, figure all but shrinking away from him despite the stoic expression painted on his face. Dick almost regrets saying it, almost. But.... it’s the truth. The God honest truth and Bruce needs to hear it, so--
But just as Dick prepares himself for an explosion of verbal justifications, or even violence his father abruptly turns on his heels and walks away.
What in the--
“I’ll be leaving Gotham for a while. Take care of the city while I’m gone.”  
Bruce’s supposed parting words to him.
It’s all so sudden and out of character.
“Bruce?” he chokes out. Stumbling forward, because..... Bruce didn’t walk away. That wasn’t what he did. He stood his ground and they.... the robins walked away so-- “B, what are you doing?” This didn’t make any sense. He couldn’t just.... Bruce couldn’t just---
“I can’t stay anymore. Not while Tim is still here.” He doesn’t turn around to look at him, Dick is grateful for it. “We don’t kill Dick. I’ve raised you better than that.” And with those final words Bruce walks away. Away and out of his life.  
it’s all Dick can do to just stand there and watch him go.
Bruce leaves and Dick dreads the reality of what that means for Gotham.... for them.
He doesn’t quite know how long he spends at the bottom of the stairs; legs pulled up to his chest, arms folded around his knees, face hidden from view.
Bruce had walked away. Bruce had walked away because Dick had refused to condemn his little brother. Bruce had walked away and Dick hadn’t even managed to shout at him, scream at him, tell him he wasn’t welcome back anyways.  
Bruce had walked away and Dick didn’t know what to do anymore.
When his communicator beeps, he pulls it out with a hand that barely shakes and reads it with eyes that are barely wet.
[Batman on a mission to galaxy 47XC. Duration of time gone=unknown]
This was really happening.
Bruce he.... Tim—Tim didn’t deserve..... How could Bruce just...
It takes him a while to finally stand up, wipe his cheeks and walk up the stairs. Dick still feels the disbelief of today’s situation still swirling around inside his head.
With each step he takes it’s as if he’s walking away from Bruce all over again. Disappointing him all over again. For a while he’d thought he was over it. Had learned that Bruce was flawed just like all of them, but.... having him back for these past years. Having him put in the effort to get to know them. Seeing Dami and Tim open up more and more. Seeing Jason come back home, he’d.... naively forgotten who his father was. Forgotten why they used to argue and fight in the first place.
Clenching his fists he stomps his way up the stairs. Eyes burning and teeth gnawing at his lip.  
His feet had just landed on the carpeted hall when his eyes snap to meet Jay’s. “Oh, you’re still here?”
Jason scoffs, hands stuffed in his pockets and a single eyebrow raised. “Ya think I’ll just leave when I know B might fucking fly up here and kidnap the replacement?”
Dick blinks slowly. Jay was here because he cared?  
Of course he was. After all, he’d been the one Tim had called when..... and he of all people knew Bruce wrath, understood what it meant to be on the bad side of the Batman. Dick understood all that, and yet--
For an in-explainable reason, he feels himself getting angry, annoyed, pissed off.
“So you thought I would just let him?” Throwing his arm down the stairs he glares. “That I would just step aside and let Bruce WALK IN HERE AND TAKE TIM! IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK OF ME!”
The abrupt shift in tone surprises Jason, who looks taken back by Dick’s outburst.  
Dick can’t blame him; he’s quite taken back by his own outburst as well. He hadn’t meant---
“Sorry,” he mutters; fingers coming up to hide his face. “I’m sorry Jay, I just.... it’s just been... a lot.”
His brother stays silent for a while. Shoulders drawn up but otherwise he doesn’t seem to have taken his anger to heart. Dick is grateful for that, and.... immensely proud. Jay had come such a long way.
If only--
“It’s ok Goldie. B’ll do that to you sometimes. I aint even surprised he got you all twisted up inside.” A snort. “So where is he anyways? Should I go fortify Timmers room or somethin?”
Bile rising up his throat, Dick shakes his head. “He’s gone Jason.”
“What do you mean he’s gone? He out patrolling? The fucking nerve. Can’t even face a fucking conversation like a grownass adult.”
Dick doesn’t know.... doesn’t know how he’s supposed to say that Bruce had just up and left? That he’d just left them all. Abandoned them. And for what? Because Tim’s siblings didn’t want to throw him in jail?
“He,” Dick starts, chest tight and fingers twitching. “He left Gotham. Said.... he said that he’s going off planet and.... yeah.”
Blinking back the exhaustion dragging his eyelids down, Dick notes how tired he truly feels. How utterly exhausted. “He’s gone Jay and I don’t know if he’s coming back.”
Several emotions flash through Jason’s eyes, some too quick to decipher, but the hurt, betrayal and anger are loud and clear. Dick tries to smile, shoulders lifting up in a helpless shrug. Because... what could they possibly do but to accept it.
“He just left?”
A nod
“He left!” Jason is angry. Jason is so so angry that Dick can practically taste it in the air. “For fucking what? That you didn’t let the scrawnyass kid be thrown in the loony bin next to the fucking Joker?”
Another nod.
“Oh that’s just,” The fury in Jason’s eyes transform into a sickening green. Fists clenched, he growls, kicking against the wall with all his might. “Fuck him! Just.. Fuck Bruce. We don’t need his deadbeat fucking tyrannical, manipulating piece of shit--- Fuck him!” He’s practically vibrating in place, clenching and unclenching his fingers as if he is in the process of strangling someone. “I knew he was.... I fucking knew and--” His voice cracks and Dick can’t take it anymore.
When he steps forward to wraps his arms around his shivering brother, Jason immediately collapses into his chest.
Neither of them cry but Jason hangs on tight and Dick doesn’t let him go.
“It’s ok,” he says.
It’s not ok
For the first time, Bruce Wayne, their father had left them willingly.
“It’s ok Jay. It's going to be ok. It’s ok. It’s ok---”
He continues to say it. He continues to whisper those two words over and over again.
But it’s a lie. It’s a lie
It was.... hard.
Jason leaves shortly after. Having determined Tim was out of danger for now, he decides to take his leave and that’s fine, that’s ok. Jason didn’t really live in the manor anyways. Not really.  
Hell, Tim had just moved back in after the whole..... so Dick shouldn’t have been surprised when Jay had announced his departure, but he did. He was surprised, and then he was terrified.
It was a sense of panic that grew, practically exploded in his chest before he even had the time to think it through. Launching himself forward he grabbed for Jason, iron tight grip keeping the younger man anchored to the spot.
“What the--”
“Don’t go.”
It was in hindsight very stupid and emotional and well, stupid..... Dick didn’t do reckless, emotional, stupid things, but the words were out. He couldn’t take them back and from Jay’s expression, his brother very well knew why he did what he did.
How embarrassing.
“I mean--” he says quickly, cutting in before Jason can speak, forcing himself to let go of the other. “I just... Tim and you know and....”
A hand comes up to rest on his shoulder and Jason’s voice is loud when he interrupts him. “I gotta patrol Goldie. I’ll be back early tomorrow. Promise.”
It’s reassuring. To hear.
It’s embarrassing he even had to get it but still it makes a crushing weight temporary lift of his shoulders.
“Ok,” he says. “Ok.
Jason leaves and Dick wanders all the way to Tim’s door and collapses in front of it. Falling asleep.
The first three days post-Batman are hell. Damian doesn’t come out of his room. Tim skulk around the shadows and doesn’t speak a word and Jason is barely there despite his promise. Cass..... Cass.... Dick hadn’t seen Cass since before Bruce found out.  
Alfred doesn’t speak to him anymore. Dick doesn’t think it’s because of what happened with Bruce. At least he hoped it wasn’t because of that. But the old butler had taken to avoiding him and on top of everything else collapsing all around him, Dick feels as if that stretches him almost to the breaking point.
It was hell.
It was a living nightmare.
Not having Bruce here, not having Batman out there.... it.... He felt lost.
This wasn’t the same as that time they’d thought Bruce died. At least then Dick had known Bruce still loved them, was still proud of them. But now----
It’s painful.
Three days of avoidance and awkward small talk and Dick is almost at his wits end, but then Arkham has a breakout and they all suit up.
It’s a disaster.
Nothing goes according to plan. None of them are able to work together well enough without getting their signals mixed and their wires crossed. It is as if all the years of working together like a well-oiled machine had suddenly gone out the window.  
Mistakes after mistakes. Wrong orders, heated arguments. It’s all so very wrong.
“Stay out of my way Red Robin! If you cannot handle the mission perhaps you ought to just leave!”
“Robin enough!”
The words leave Dick’s mouth before he can even think them through, and by the dual shocked expressions he’s met with, yes, the kids are surprised too.
Dick doesn’t care.
He remembers, the fallout. His father walking away. Alfred’s disappointment.... he remembers Jason’s pain and Tims heartbreak. He remembers Dami asking for Bruce. He remembers and... he can’t let them fall apart. Not like this. Not when all they had left was each other.
“Mind your manners Robin and be careful Red. I need you both focused.”
A momentary silence and then two short affirmation from both parties and they are off again.
Dick knows he has to talk to Damian later. It never helped letting things fester with that kid, but right now... grunting, he dodges the next punch and slams his fist into the henchman’s jaw, breaking it. Right now he needed to focus on keeping them all alive.
It doesn’t get better from there. Dick had hoped. Had talked to Damian, watched as his little brother’s eyebrows rose to high heaven as he stalked away, shouting how little he cared for Drake’s feelings. Watched as Tim shrunk into himself, eyes as hallow and dead as the day Dick had found him next to....
It doesn’t get any better and Dick wonders if it ever will.
Bruce is gone.
The man who brought them together had left them, willingly.
How could they hope to stay together when there was no cause or legacy to uphold anymore?
What was the point?
It’s only been a week since post-Batman and while Gotham is doing well enough, the same cannot be said for their teamwork. Their individual skills the only thing keeping the city on its feet and Dick knows, he knows they need to fix this. Figure it out before it’s too late. Because whatever resentment, anger or fear festering among them is killing any chance they have of working together.
He knows this, but he can’t make himself bring it up.
For a hopeful couple of days he’d assumed it’ll work itself out somehow. That if he let them think through and process their own issues that they would come to the same conclusion he had.
They needed each other.
And they’ll only be the best versions of themselves if they worked together but, no one was budging. Jason was still distant; Damian was even more aggressive than usual and Tim....
Dick needed to do something.
For a second he lets himself wish Cass was here. She’d called and checked up on them, but she was too tied up in Hong Kong and Dick couldn’t in good consciousness make her come back. Not while she was needed out there. Not when he was supposed to be the oldest. Not when he was meant to handle this.
This was his job.
He couldn’t saddle someone else with it, no matter how much he wanted to. They needed to talk. Dick needed to make them talk, to clear the air, to air out their issues, but----
Day eight and a too late warning result in Tim breaking his ankle.
The drop almost gives Dick a full-blown panic attack, but thankfully Robin is there to catch Tim before he goes splat on the ground. “Red!” Dick screams, flinging himself off the roof. Heart in his throat and eyes burning. “Kiddo you ok?”
Tim makes a small grunt of pain and oh thank God. Thank God he was ok.
“Good job,” he mutters, ruffling Damian’s hair. “Good job Robin.”
His little brother scoffs; but doesn’t move away. “Of course. I have to compensate for the uselessness that is Red Robin after all.”
Dick wants to say something.
He sees the stiffness of Tim’s expression and he wants to say something.
He ends up saying nothing.
He has never hated himself more.
“You need to be more careful out there replacement.”
A snort. “I’m pretty sure you get three times the injuries I do in the same span of time.”
Dick pauses.  
Turning back from the dressing room, he contemplates for a split second, before he’s tiptoeing to the slightly ajar door of the medical wing. Curiosity winning over as he peaks in to see what’s going on.
Tim is sitting on the hospital bed, his broken ankle resting on Jason’s lap where the older is busy splinting and bandaging it up.  
“That aint true and you can’t prove it!”
Tim grins. It’s a wide grin, teeth and all. And it makes Dick’s stomach tighten.
It's been a while since he last saw genuine joy on Tim’s face.
He misses it.
He misses him.
“Hey Jason?” The question is careful, hesitant, soft.
“Do you think..... Do you think if I didn’t-- Bruce he...” A deep breath. “Bruce left because I killed that man didn’t he?”
A pause and then. “Yeah, yeah he did.”
Dick feels as if he’s intruding. But try as he might, his legs refuse to budge. He is rooted in place, heart hammering too loudly and muscles tense enough to snap.
“I’m sorry.” Tim sounds so so sad and Dick just wants to get in there and hug it away. Tell him that Bruce was, well, a dick and that Tim shouldn’t concern himself with his opinion because..... because.... Dick would pick him over B any day, every day. But he stays put. Stays hidden and it hurts.  
This isn’t about him after all.
“You aint got nothing to be sorry for pretender. Bruce fucked up and then he ran away like the fucking coward he is. This aint on you.”
Tim blinks quickly, head turning downward in that familiar way he does to hide his tears and Dick just wants to go in there and fix it all. Tim shouldn’t be suffering like this. Tim shouldn’t have to confide in Jason when Dick was right there.  
Dick should be there next to him. He should----
It hurts.
“Do you think we’ll be ok?”
Jason’s hand stills, fingers resting on both sides of Tim’s swollen ankle. “Why do you ask?”
Shrugging, Tim runs his fingers through his hair. “We’re kinda a bit of a disaster right now... out there, so---”
Jason snorts. “I think we’ll be just fine kiddo. Trust me. Goldie is an idiot, but he is who he is and he’ll get this city back on track soon. He just needs time.”
“What about us? The famil--- What about us?”
Reaching up, Jay pats Tim’s knee, a tiny smile curling at the corner of his mouth. It’s faint but present. “He’ll figure that out too. You know he will.”
“Yeah,” Tim smiles then, its warm, honest. “I know he will.”
Dick leaves after that. His legs suddenly coming unglued. He peels the bat-suit off in less than a minute and jumps in the shower. Water runs down his face, and his breath hitches.  
Maybe they would be ok after all.
If his family believed in him, he could afford to believe in himself too. Even a little.
The end
@throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @miss-choco-chips @river9noble
don’t know if this is the type of fics you like to read but tagging you just in case!
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starspatter · 8 years ago
Steve Trevor
Why I like them:From what little I knew of him, I already liked Steve and his relationship with Diana before seeing the film.  I thought his encounter with her in the DCAU, while short, was both sweet and sad.  (I was actually hoping for a similar post-credits scene where she goes to visit an elderly Steve.)  Upon digging further into his history through the comics, I love how he’s essentially her “Lois Lane”, often playing the “damsel in distress” but never feeling emasculated for it, simply in awe of her power and always counting on her to save the day.  He adores her as his “angel”, and they have such a long rich established history already that it’s a shame their romance was once again cut short here.Movie Steve is a bit less blindly faithful, but I feel it makes him an even more believable character for it.  He’s seen some shit and knows how cruel the world can be compared to Diana’s wide-eyed wonder and innocence, but he quickly warms up to her ideals because she has the power to make them come true, and he recognizes that’s what makes her so important.  I also like that despite his cynicism, he still maintains a good humor and snark in addition to his heart.  He kinda reminds me of Kyon, being the straight man to Diana’s enthusiasm.Why I don’t:Maybe the fact that he is a bit pessimistic at first, even though the pragmaticism is obviously necessary.  When their opposing viewpoints butt heads on the battlefield, with him urging to move the party along while Diana wants to stop and help every person along the way, it’s clear he has a point but at the same time it’s frustrating to see them have to pass by so much suffering for the same reasons Diana probably felt at the time.  There’s no real right answer, which makes it even harder.Favorite episode (scene if movie):I may need to rewatch again to decide, but I think right now I would say the “dancing” scene in Veld.  There was just such an air of general joy and celebration about that scene, with Steve taking a little time out from his own worrying in order to introduce Diana to such simple pleasures as “swaying” and snow, detailing the things humans do when they’re not at war like “waking up and having breakfast”.  Small things we all take for granted.  (Plus I have a soft spot for characters eating breakfast together, given my fondness for TimSteph/Batfam and waffles/pancakes. =P)  The chemistry between them felt very natural and serene at that moment, and it made sense why they would fall for each other - admiring each other’s accomplishments and abilities, as well as things the other is more familiar with.  Their connection developed based on mutual respect and understanding, and as someone who’s usually not a big fan of romance I can get behind it.(I did like his little gamut of emotions he went through when about to blow up the gas, although for some reason his death didn’t hit me as hard as I thought I would.  Again, a reason I want to rewatch the film to dissect why the climax didn’t quite work me.)Favorite season/movie:Well he’s only been in one DCEU film so far, and I’d say it’s my favorite representation of him across media overall.  I do also really like the idea of him having met Diana as kids like in these scans.Favorite line:“I can save today, but you can save the world.”Favorite outfit:I like his fighter pilot outfit.  It’s fluffy~OTP:WonderTrev is love. Brotp:Him and Sameer?  I loved their little acting exchange when infiltrating the German gala.  They just slipped so seamlessly into their personas and bounced easily off each other’s improvisation; it’s clear these two have totally practiced putting on a charade before. XDHead Canon:Ok this is shameless but after skimming through a smutfic about the night they spent together in Veld, I do like the idea that he called her “angel” afterwards (bc where was that in the film).  There was another fic I read where Diana was the one to visit Steve’s mother after the war and inform her of her son’s death, which I accept as well.I don’t really have any headcanons of my own, other than the possibility that Diana didn’t eat ice cream for 100 years bc it hurt too much by reminding of him - but that’s more to support a potential Bruce&Diana “bonding over shared grief” drabble I’ve been mulling over.Unpopular opinion:Despite the answer above, I’m not a big fan of the idea that they actually ended up sleeping together, even though it was strongly implied. *shrug* I kinda prefer Steve cutely chickening out by just wishing her “goodnight” and running out of the room tbh haha.A wish:For Steve’s wish for Diana to come true: Save the world (through love).  To not forget him and the hope in humanity he stood for, but become stronger bc of his memory.An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen:For Steve to come back to life.  As much as his death pains me (in theory), now that they’ve killed him I’d rather they stick to their guns.  Maybe he and Diana could meet again via timey wimey shenanigans (given the Flash has already shown signs of time manipulation), but please don’t resurrect him like they will obviously do with Superman.5 words to best describe them:“It’s a bird, it’s Steve-dying-in-a-plane” *shot*My nickname for them:Don’t have one.  (Although I like how little Diana called him her “secret boy” in the above scans.)
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